Support Being the premier and the only Institute for training in Central Secretariat practices, as also being the lead Institute in the training of trainers and having emerged as "Centre of Excellence" in many other specialised areas, a number of organisations approach ISTM for providing them training support, some of which are considered at ISTM over and above its normal Calendared commitments. The Institute provided training support to various organisations by way of: Organisation / Cadre Specific Programmes Peripatetic Programmes Faculty Assistance Hand Holding Programmes Faculty Resource for the National Training Calendar Courses Setting up Question Papers Conducting Short-Hand/Typewriting Tests Organisation / Cadre Specific Programmes: On the basis of requests received from Government Departments, Attached/Subordinate offices, Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous bodies organization specific programmes are conducted, for which the Institute charges Course fee depending upon the duration of the programme. Peripatetic Programmes: In pursuance of the recommendations made at the Conference of State Chief Secretaries held in New Delhi during May, 1976, the Institute has been assisting the State Governments/Union Territories in running model training courses at the State Capitals and by helping them with the course design, training material, and training their trainers. The Institute has been conducting peripatetic programmes, mainly in the following areas: Training Methodology Behavioural Skills O & M and Work Study Office Management & Office Procedure Reservation in Service Financial Management Right to Information Act Faculty Assistance: The Institute also helps many organisations by extending them the support of our faculty in the Training Programmes Organized by them for their employees. Hand Holding Programmes: Hand Holding Programmes for Assistants, SOs & US of specific Ministries / Departments. Providing Faculty for National Training Calendar Programmes: The Training Division of the Department of Personnel & Training utilizes the services of the Recognized Trainer and Master Trainers of the Institute in conducting DTS and DOT Courses and Recognized Trainer Development Programmes outside the Institute also. Such programmes are conducted at selected Training Institutes in the Country on its behalf. Setting Up Of Question Papers & Evaluation Of Answer Scripts: Many organizations approach the Institute for setting up Question Papers for the Departmental Promotion Examinations and Open Recruitment Examinations, conducted by them and for evaluation of the Answer Scripts. |